S/mileage’s 3rd Generation Members Announced.

tumblr_ncy9tmtmcq1qclfimo2_1280It was announced on Saturday at S/mileage’s stage play the newest members of S/mileage, the foundation members of the basically new group that was once called S/mileage. The new members and former Kenshuusei are Murota Mizuki (age 16), Aikawa Maho (age 15), and Sasaki Rikako (age 13). Also S/mileage are taking in suggestions for the new group name until October 31st.

I was heading my way to New York when it was announced so now that I’m back I just want to talk about this right quick and then maybe go back to sleep. To be honest, I’ve always wanted a 3rd generation for S/mileage ever since 2011. It wasn’t until last year when I gave up hope for a newer generation of S/mileage but it’s of course the year where I don’t hope one is the year we get one. I was happy to hear about the newer generation being picked from Hello Pro Kenshuusei, but I was not happy with the announcement of the name change and it really makes you think that the older members are going to graduate. Right now I’m not gonna worry too much about that, and I’m just gonna talk about my impressions of the girls so far.

Murota Mizuki

Mizuki is a very sweet girl and I think she’s a good pick of the 3rd gen. She totally fits the cute and cheerful songs of S/mileage and I can see her performing them really well. I think she sings pretty well and her dance is pretty good too. She’s a very cute girl and I’m glad that she gets to debut after being in the Kenshuusei program for so long.

Aikawa Maho

tumblr_ncy3k3pgip1qclfimo2_500I think Maho is the girl I would never guess to be in S/mileage. She’s just so new to the Kenshuusei program that I was bit surprised to see that she got picked to be in S/mileage’s 3rd gen. The other girls I kinda expected but never Maho. I am excited to see what see can do and bring to the table since I don’t really know much about her since she’s a newer Kenshuusei and it usually takes me awhile to get the newer girls names down.

Sasaki Rikako

Out of all Kenshuusei girls I totally knew that Rikako would get in S/mileage. I’m not really her biggest fan but she does have some great energy that I must admit that it reminds me of the energy that S/mileage once had when there was just only four members. Her energy and dancing is really great but I don’t really think she has a voice that would really fit S/mileage songs unless they were really energetic songs like Suki-chan or Watashi, Choito Kawaii Urabancho.

I really do wish the best of luck to these newer girls of S/mileage. I just hope that the older members adjust well to the new additions to the group, and the name change. I’m excited to see these girls in action with a new single or concert that will most likely be in 2015. Congratulations to Maho, Rikako, and Mizuki!

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